Arius’ Airings // Council Day 1

I accept the God portion of the Creed agreed upon in the last session. I agree with the “only true God,” “alone everlasting,” and “unchangeable and indivisible” aspects specifically. I agree with the revisions that the Alexandrians proposed that limited the repetition of the word alone. I am pleased however, that we were able to compromise and keep one “alone” in the Creed. The addition of the “over all and in all and through all” phrasing was a good compromise and I agree with that statement. I believe that the repetition of words and the enumerating of God’s limitless qualities assists in helping new believers understand our God better. I understand also that the Alexandrians would have liked to see less repetition and more straight to the point phrasing, however, I feel that this current Creed is a happy medium between the factions. Our language cannot even begin to express the manner and quality of God, but I think it is best that we try our hardest in honoring God through this Creed.