gulag reading for tuesday

Hi Everyone, Please go to the box ( to find the readings for tuesday: Chapter 15 of Alexander Dolgun’s book, and and excerpt from Catherine Merridale’s book Night of Stone.  The first is a memoir and speaks for itself;, the second asks us to think about memory and representation — how does societies heal from trauma (if at all)? I’m going to post one more … Continue reading gulag reading for tuesday

Platonov worksheet and corrected copy

Hello All! I just realize the story pdf I put in Box is missing a page and doesn’t make sense. Go back to Box and download “Platonov_draft 3” instead. You’ll get to see our editorial marks on one of the final copies of the English translation – yellow highlights words where we considered alternative translations. In any case,  you’ll need the Worksheet (#3),  also in … Continue reading Platonov worksheet and corrected copy

Soviet Republics Additional Info

Begin with a general search to get a sense of your Republic/topic.  The Graded Paper #1 guidelines provide basic questions.  After talking with several of you, I would strongly suggest the following to add some necessary “depth” to your papers:  add at least one peer-reviewed article as a source of information on any aspect (historical or contemporary) of your republic. Go to the library catalog, … Continue reading Soviet Republics Additional Info

Reading for Thursday, Aug 31

To prepare for class discussion on Thursday, read Ingram’s historical outline of the events 1905-1917 here: Ingram_1-16 Then read two essays by influential Russian thinkers of the era, and try to formulate a “theory” or conceptual hypothesis about the relationship between what was happening “in the streets” (Ingram),  and how intellectuals, in particular, were thinking about revolution and change. Be sure to print out the Zamiatin … Continue reading Reading for Thursday, Aug 31