Reading for Thursday, Aug 31

To prepare for class discussion on Thursday, read Ingram’s historical outline of the events 1905-1917 here: Ingram_1-16 Then read two essays by influential Russian thinkers of the era, and try to formulate a “theory” or conceptual hypothesis about the relationship between what was happening “in the streets” (Ingram),  and how intellectuals, in particular, were thinking about revolution and change. Be sure to print out the Zamiatin … Continue reading Reading for Thursday, Aug 31

Welcome to Bombs, Bolsheviks, Ballet (Introduction post)

Hello All!   I assume you have been enrolled as users for this blog site,  which will serve as the platform where I disseminate all information about the course as we move through the semester, including weekly updates on class homework and readings. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE.  You need to see the weekly posts to stay on top of the reading assignments and class preparation. Our … Continue reading Welcome to Bombs, Bolsheviks, Ballet (Introduction post)