Welcome to Bombs, Bolsheviks, Ballet (Introduction post)

Hello All!   I assume you have been enrolled as users for this blog site,  which will serve as the platform where I disseminate all information about the course as we move through the semester, including weekly updates on class homework and readings. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE.  You need to see the weekly posts to stay on top of the reading assignments and class preparation.

Our first class begins at 10:30am on Tuesday, Aug 29,  in Ryland Hall,  Room 216.    You should check out the general course syllabus in advance (see Syllabus tab on this site),  so that we can spend the first class learning something new.  I am aware that the first book (Ingram: Russia and the USSR) is not quite into the Bookstore yet, so I’ve scanned a copy of the first reading assignment(s), which you will complete for the second class (Thursday).

All for now!  Look forward to meeting you.