LOTS of Clouds Over Modlin
Looking into the Modlin Courtyard from a bench outside of Jepson Theater 1:04
The light is very diffused today, I don’t know whether that’s because it’s kind of cloudy. There’s a very soft light. There aren’t very harsh shadows to anything really. It’s a very soft white, a very dim white in the area that’s usually sunny. In the shadow, it’s just a little darker. You can tell there’s kind of a ghost of a shadow, but there’s no real definite edge to anything. The shadows are not in a hard outline like they have been before. The colors of everything look muted and dull, the benches especially, in this dim light.
After a few minutes, the lighted area became brighter. I took a second picture:
The cloud that the sun was behind went away, and now the sun is pretty direct, so the shadows are now clear and defined and darker. There’s now a brighter white hitting the lit area and a duller white hitting the shadowed area.
A little longer in, the lit area seemed to dip a little in brightness. I don’t know whether that’s because it actually did (as in some clouds went over the sun), or if my eyes are adjusting to the brightness. Just a little over a minute after this, though, it dipped even more (for real this time), and I took another picture:
The light changed only a little bit to be a little more dull than it had been, but not as dull as the beginning. Just a minute later, the sun came back for a few seconds and then when back behind a cloud. At this point, the light was very close to how it was in the beginning. It was only a few minutes before the sun came out again:
It changed very fast, though, so fast that I didn’t even get to take a picture of it at its height really before it became cloudy again.
The sun came, but went really quickly back to shadow, and the really quickly back to sunlight. So I tried again to catch a picture of the courtyard in the sun, again:
I was finally able to take a picture of the sunny area, and I think it got as bright as it did in the second picture. But even after a few more seconds, the light was either tapering off or I was just getting used to the brightness of it.
There looks like there’s a huge cloud coming, but I think I’m going to leave before it comes.
This time I’m not getting sleepy like I had been before, but in the middle of my observation I was getting more contemplative. I’m zoning out more than before, which I guess is the more active version of sleeping. I became more sleepy and chilly later in the observation, but alert because of all the clouds that kept coming to change the light.