Serenity Now
It is rainy and super dark in the chapel. The walls surrounding the organ are the darkest I have ever seen them. Interestingly, there is a glow of color straight down that is equal in intensity on both sides. This is normal for the left side but normally the right side is much brighter and the light is reflected in a diagonal.
The chapel feels very cozy. I expected it to feel much more solemn but the light glow from the windows creates a comfortable feeling. There is no color anywhere other than the stone right below the windows. The light on the tops of the pews is even much more balanced. This feels more like what the intent was for the atmosphere in the chapel. Perhaps the building should have more dense trees around it to maintain this feeling.
I’m calmed by the dimness of the light. It creates a much more peaceful ambiance that lends itself to creating a sense of stillness. Even with the random man playing the organ, the space is still very serene and calm. Contrary to the journal where these 15 minutes added to my stress, these have significantly calmed my over-worked, anxious brain if only for these 15 minutes. A much needed break.