Bleary Eyed Kind of Day
Looking into the Modlin Courtyard from a bench outside of Jepson Theater 1:03
The shadow that falls on the west side of the courtyard is much farther center than it’s been before. I think I noticed it last week but I might of thought it wasn’t significant or it wasn’t as much as it is now so I didn’t pay too much attention to it. But now I can definitely see that the sun is coming in at a different angle than it had been before, because the point where the lit area begins is about six feet or five feet from the columns when before it was only four or five feet.
It’s pretty cloudy right now. There’s not much difference between the shaded area and the sunny area and I can’t see a line between them. You can kind of see the outline of the shadows but it’s not a sharp edge. It got a little brighter and I took a picture:
but soon the clouds came back and the area was in shadow again. When the shaded area and the lit area are equal in brightness, the shadows are darker, but they’re not defined. They’re very fuzzy, blobish, and vague.
Not a very long journal entry today. I feel like last week I chronicled every time a cloud went by and a light changed but I didn’t bother doing that today. My two pictures are when the light was at its peak and when it was at it’s dullest, but there have been other times of light and shadow that I didn’t take a picture of. I’ve been accepting it instead of chronicling it today. So my entry is shorter than other times.
Current mood: Cold and tired.