It’s gonna be a bright sunshiny day

Today is very bright. The sky is that storybook, Toy Story beginning kind of blue with the puffy white clouds that look just comfy enough to sleep on. The trees are bright green like when Dorothy first spots the emerald city. Every leaf is lit in a perfect way where I can almost pick out every single leaf and its shape from where I’m sitting. I’m noticing a difference in the leaves this week as we begin to shift from summer to fall, the light gloriously is starting to pick up the yellow, red and orange leaves. One of the trees is red in the middle of a sea of green and I can’t stop staring at it. sitting here today I am feeling so content. I feel very aware of the changes in the trees and the world around me and it gives me a certain peace about it. The sun is so bright today, all of the trees have not changed color since I began my quiet time. It makes me feel like nature is in a chipper mood as well. Not very much to report for today, except that it is just a bright sunshiny day 🙂image