Calm in the Storm


99The brightest window is the 5th window back on the right side of the chapel. Once again, the windows on either side of the organ give shape to the arrangement of the pipes. Today, I can see colors from the left windows reflecting onto the pipes. Again, the shadows at the bottom of the organ seem to draw focus to the organist and the space above the organ is significantly brighter than the sides. The walls on the left side of the chapel seem much brighter than those on the right. The left speaker that runs along the stonework by the altar has a shadow that is created by the windows on the right. The light from the windows in the left is not strong enough to have this same effect on the speaker on the right. In contrast to how the dark wood inlet is lit, the peak of the plaster is much dimmer than the side running down. The color patterns from the left windows are much less distinct this week. They are visible but not nearly as eye catching or noticeable as last week. The right side seemed to be about the same when I came in but not a cloud must have moved over the sun outside because the colors are barely visible on the stone. (Update – apparently it was pouring while I was in the chapel. Who knew.99.1 )

The floor under the pews has multiple not-quite-parallel shadows created from the windows on the opposite side. On the right side of the chapel, the first block of pews is lit the brightest – almost white on the tops – closest to the windows. As you move farther back in the chapel, the brightest part moves closer to the center aisle until finally, there is no “white” portion on the last pew. On the left side, the whitest part, which is dull compared to the right side, stays close to the windows until about 3/4 of the way back, where it disappears entirely.
You can see the reflection of the doorway on the wood of the piano at the altar. It is visibly not the rose window due to the direct angle and lack of any color. The window in the front far right has the clearest reflection of its colors onto the brick. The cloud that was here at the middle has moved and now, the stone resembles what it did last week – unmixed reflections of the colors above and forward of their shadows.
Once again, I leave calm though I’m still worried about getting kicked out for some reason.