Questions and Topics – Ashley Gross


  1. I have such a broad topic/combination of topics I want to explore – how do I find something to narrow in on?
  2. I know ultimately I make the decision for my topic, but who are good people I can I talk to to help me choose?
  3. What happens if I get stuck?
  4. How much of the project is book research, and how much is field research? I know all projects differ significantly, but ones with field research – how much does that typically cover?
  5. At what point in the process do you conduct your field research?
  6. I’m interested in so many things, how can I possibly choose?


  1. Why are women so underrepresented in sports, even in countries that are progressive in women rights?
  2. What will it take to change the attitudes and actions of people influencing these fields?
  3. Gender in sports, the STEM field, leadership positions
  4. Gender and confidence (leading to ^)
  5. Emotional Intelligence