Gospel of John and Thomas

  • 5 differences between the Synoptic Gospels and John
    • Miracles are called signs
    • “I am” statements
    • High Christology
    • The Beginning – tie with Genesis
    • Above and below, Kingdom of God is separate from life on earth
  • Both start with “In the beginning” which ties the beginning of John back to Genesis 1. In Genesis 1, God spoke things into creation. In John, Jesus is referred to as the Word. Jesus is the mechanism by which God creates everything.
  • John 3 and John 4 – parallel to Matthew’s birth narrative
    • The jewish leaders who should have understood and accepted Jesus didn’t – Nicodemus rejected him
    • Gentiles who had no reason to understand or know jesus accepted him with open arms and went on to share the word – shows how John pushes outside of ethnic boundaries
    • Darkness is bad (conversation with Nicodemus in the dark, secrecy, nighttime and alone), light is good (conversation with Samaritan woman in the day time in the public)