Theory In Action (2)

As I finish my summer internship for FAM, I wanted to use my last Theory In Action post to evaluate my site supervisor, Cameron, and his leadership/management style. I thought that Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Theory was fitting for this analysis. Goleman’s theory centers around emotional intelligence, which is the ability to understand and control your emotions in a positive way. This particular theory has five subcategories. The first is self-regulation, which is the ability to recognize and control your actions around others. The second is self-awareness, which encompasses a person’s ability to evaluate yourself in terms of thoughts and actions. Intrinsic motivation is another factor in Goleman’s theory, which is having the internal drive to perform well and achieve the goals of the organization. The fourth and fifth categories are empathy and social skill, both of which are important in creating a welcoming and productive work environment.

In terms of areas in which Cameron may be able to improve, self-awareness and regulation are the biggest ones. While he is great at maintaining and cultivating relationships with clients, sometimes that distracts him which makes it harder to communicate. The best way that I could describe it is severe tunnel vision.

The areas where I think Cameron thrives the most are in those areas more closely associated with relational tasks, such as empathy, social skills, and intrinsic motivation. In terms of empathy, he really cares about his employees, and he makes that well-known through his thoughts and actions. Finally, Cameron has a great deal of intrinsic motivation. He is so passionate about what he does, and that reflects in his work. He has a very high drive and is always there to motivate himself and his employees to operate at the next level. Cameron also has a tremendous amount of social skills. He has been at the forefront of the music industry for over 20 years and has made countless connections. Especially in entertainment where it’s all about who you know, he has the expertise and skill to solidify and maintain those important relationships. He is also a very charismatic person and does his best to ensure the effectiveness of the team as a whole. This social skill also translates to the office – he always makes a conscious effort to make sure everyone is supported.

Overall, I really enjoyed working with Cameron. Through everything that he does, it is abundantly clear that he loves his job and wants to make the experience as good for everyone else as it is for him. That commitment, on top of his success within the field and ability to produce results, makes him a great manager and leader in this business.