
Theories in Action 2

A major benefit of working with Ametros, a smaller startup company, is that I am able to interact with senior leadership personally and watch them in action regularly. The second theory in action I noticed was the consistency of transformational leadership practiced among senior members of the company. They truly believe in what they are doing and that their products and services are helping people. The CEO, VP of Sales, and other senior leadership that I have personally spoken with have repeatedly expressed how important the work they do is and speaking with staff, it is clear that they buy in. To do this, Ametros’s leaders take a very personalized approach to leadership by being so accessible to meet with and contact. In my time, I have been on calls with a senior leader and my fellow intern on multiple occasions and every time, it is a back and forth discussion instead of a lecture. They always hear what we have to say and are willing to discuss our ideas and give suggestions on what might be helpful to our projects. I received multiple good tips regarding researching from Ametros leaders and was able to give them a call and thank them for the pointers after I could tell they had worked out. I was also able to figure out some information they were after and pass it along to leadership. Sadly, it is clear that Covid has had a negative impact on transformational leadership because it is more challenging to connect with employees personally. Since covid-19 forced everyone home and out of the office, the ability to see the CEO in the office or at a happy hour was taken away, making it more challenging to connect with employees. One hint that Ametros practices transformational leadership is in how the CEO has treated us as interns. He has repeatedly talked about Ametros’s purpose and goals, hoping we buy into it. Additionally, n0w that I am at the end of my internship, he has scheduled a “coffee break” with the other intern and myself to discuss our experiences with Ametros and just to personally say goodbye. This is another leadership theory I observed at Ametros.