
Week 8/Week 9: My Personal Contribution

As I completed the last two weeks of my internship experience, I was given the opportunity to work on the Knight Foundation Concept Paper,  “The Governance of Public Communications and Media.” This project required me to complete detailed research on several media agencies, as well as studies conducted by the Academy, on their violations of accuracy, integrity, trust, validity, and transparency. After completing said research, I presented my findings to my supervisors and walked them through each ethical violation as well as efforts the media agencies have taken to improve their integrity policies. Next, I was assigned to write the introduction to the concept paper, which required me to summarize the problem and mission statement. These efforts set the foundation for the Knight Foundation application and have given the Philanthropy Department thorough information and insight on the often flawed ethics of media agencies. As a Jepson student with an additional major in journalism, this project also allowed me to apply class knowledge from both my majors to my work at the Academy and has inspired me to seek more opportunities that allow me to combine my knowledge of media and leadership. 

In addition to the Knight Foundation, I was also assigned to design the Spring Appeal Thank You Video Email Blast, which was sent out to all fellows and donors of the Academy. This assignment required me to learn how to use Constant Contact, a marketing platform, to design a visually appealing format for the email. After learning how to use the platform, I designed a template and sent it to the CEO for approval. When it was approved, the email blast was sent out and received immediate positive feedback from donors and fellows. 

As mentioned in previous blog entries, I had created a list of social media strategies that could be used to create more online engagement between the Academy and those passionate about public administration. Recently, my supervisor told me that they will be implementing one of my strategies, the use of creative hashtags and weekly posts that follow a set theme, in their upcoming projects. I hope that the use of these strategies will lead to the development of a strong online presence and community.