Oh, Social Media

For the month of July, I did my very own social media campaign on VSH’s instagram account. I came up with the title “July Reply” with the goals to engage with our followers/audience, see what feedback we get from our followers, and use that feedback to tailor our future content towards them. Every Wednesday of the month, I shared a question or series of questions to our followers and then posted their responses later in the week for all of our followers to see what each other were saying.

This was my idea and something I rolled with almost completely solo. With the occasional question to my supervisor and caption check, I took the reins and created the idea, the questions, and the content on my own.

I really felt like this campaign contributed valuable information to the Mission Advancement Team. First, one of the problems the team was having with social media was the lack of creative content. To keep followers engaged, accounts need to keep posting content, but the team didn’t have enough content ideas to keep followers engaged. My idea to do a campaign helped this, for the month of July at least! This particular campaign also gave us all really valuable information about our followers and popularity of our accounts.

Unfortunately, this campaign was fairly unsuccessful. It relied heavily on the engagement of our followers, but they did not engage as much as I would have liked. The first week was good, with about 15 responses! But as the weeks went on, that number got lower and lower, ending the month with only 1 response. This was a bit discouraging for me, but helped the Mission Advancement Team see that our followers rarely engage with our socials. This may have been discouraging, but really valuable information. After sharing these insights with the Mission Advancement Team, we took some time in our meeting to brainstorm ideas to increase that engagement. We came up with a few new ideas that the team is going to utilize moving forward.

It felt good to do my own social media campaign for the first time and come out of it with some valuable information. I look forward to seeing how the team uses their socials in the future and being one of those followers that does engage.