Projects on Projects on Projects

Throughout almost 10 weeks, I have contributed to a wide variety of projects. The first few weeks were slow, in terms of participation, as I was acclimating to the new role. The biggest adjustment was the subject matter. Prior to this experience, my knowledge of finance and investments was surface level. Essentially what I overheard from my father and grandfather. So, the first few weeks were more of an educational experience for me. I utilized the internal educational platform, Degreed, and completed a lot of modules. Once I felt more comfortable, my manager gave me client seminar presentations to edit for compliance. This was another step in my educational experience as I would actually read all the presentations to understand the information while I was editing. Next, I put together an excel spreadsheet to track all the existing material available to the marketing team for their upcoming ESG campaign. I had to edit and revise materials so they met compliance requirements as well. This allowed my manager to have a visual of what was available to the team and where they needed to expand.  

My next big project was an email analysis. I had to take the existing email tracker created by someone on the segment marketing team and synthesize the data so that the managing director of segment, Tara, could digest it. I made a plethora of pivot tables and charts and pulled out relevant insights I thought were important. This project made me realize how data-oriented marketing really is. Lastly, the intern class was tasked with a case consultation project where we were put in groups and had to develop a social media strategy for the upcoming launch of their dual impact ETFs. My team worked together very well. It helped that I knew two of the three other members from Richmond beforehand. The four of us communicated, delegated, received feedback from our mentor, and reached out to colleagues for help. This allowed us to put together an informative yet aesthetically pleasing presentation. We ended up winning the competition against the other interns, which boosted my confidence in terms of my presentation skills and my capacity to conduct myself in a professional setting.