Theories in Action- Task/Relationship (Josie Bossidy)

Another form of leadership I have observed particularly from people who have worked at the company for a longer period of time is there ability to demonstrate both task and relationship oriented leadership. Finding the right mix of being able to issue tasks to colleagues without feeling remorse and also being able to connect and have relationships with your peers is extremely important. Finding this balance leads an effective work place where people feel comfortable yet driven at the same time.

A task oriented leader is someone who is able to step back and delegate tasks and complete tasks on their own to reach a desired goal. In my opinion, these leaders are very important to making sure a company is successful in their mission. For many people someone who states a deadline and objectives is very helpful. I find that people who are task-oriented leaders are very organized with their work and the work they assign to others. This is overall helpful to the company and allows for productive work.

At the same time I believe what a relationship oriented leadership brings to the table is just as important. In my personal opinion someone who is capable of brining a team together is essential. We have many members on our team who have the ability to come on a Zoom and crack a joke and lighten the mood. They ask how people are and what they did the past weekend. This adds a layer of comfortableness to the group and contributes to a positive work space. This was obviously far easier when people were in the office but I have found that some leaders are able to create the same feel.

At Rose & Co in particular, although it has been majorly remote, I was able to build relationships with some of my colleagues because of the way they put themselves out there and asked about my life. In fact having this relationship makes me have more respect for them and drives me to complete all the tasks they give me to the best of my ability. There is a large difference in someone sending an email requesting a task done and them taking the time to call you, ask how your weekend was and politely asking you to do a favor for them.