
Week 4: Environment and Energy

This week was the end of one of the programs that I was happening called Blueprint. This lasted for two weeks and was for students mostly in high school. These were students who knew they wanted to pursue a career in performing arts but wanted further training and meet fellow students who also were on the same path. That is why this program was not just built upon solely classes and improving their acting, singing and dancing, but it was also to help them with college application, meeting new friends and introducing them to people who can help guide them towards a path they want to pursue.


Therefore, a lot of what I had to do was helping to create that environment where the students felt comfortable to be active and converse with one another. This program was very different from any student program I have participated or helped volunteer at. When we opened the zoom room, the staff would play lively music in the background and we, the staff and faculty would start moving and dancing in the screen as the students entered in so that they could follow up and loosen up rather than creating a formal orientation type. The staff would also be active in the chat section during the meetings, commenting funny things so that the students would not feel scared of using that tool.


I learned that creating a comfortable environment from the beginning is very important because it not only allows active participation from the students but also allows students to understand that they can be themselves. If all the staff and faculty create such environment, dance together to music and show good energy, then the students will also exhibit the same type of energy in their classes and throughout the whole program. I saw this from the beginning and thought this was very important especially when working with students because sometimes, when we do orientation or group meetings, we try to “break” the walls by doing ice breakers or games, but I realized you don’t need games in order to try to get rid of the awkwardness in the group. It really comes from the energy and environment you create as the staff and faculty from the beginning. The awkwardness goes away once the faculty or staff breaks it from the beginning.


I believe what I learned through this program will definitely help me when I one day want to manage my own arts program or event with students.