Week 7 at Cvent: Personal Contributions

I think that I have done a lot for Cvent throughout my time. I have sped up the process of quality assurance of an upgraded instance and helped with budgeting.

On the quality assurance project, I did a lot of different things. I was in charge of making an excel sheet with directions on how to test a lot of different things. What I worked on specifically was a supplier uploader that would allow vendors to update their own banking information. I had to create test cases for different situations that the business may encounter while using the supplier uploader. It was really rewarding to finally finish this project after some setbacks I encountered. I am still new to the processes and I made some mistakes that push the timeline back a little.

For the budgeting project, I was tasked with reconciling actual numbers and the f0recasted numbers for June. This project I was more confident doing because I have done the process for May actuals already. I still felt like I helped speed up the process a lot because when I was working, the woman I worked with was able to work on other things. This means that she could get more done since I was responsible for the budgeting project that is usually on her list of responsibilities.

My insights about leadership have allowed me to look at situations differently. Instead of looking at certain situations as setbacks, they allow me to evaluate what is going on in a different light. I can look at what is happening around me and realize that sometimes it’s not necessarily something I can change. There’s a lot of things going on in people’s lives that change how they interact in a leadership situation and taking leadership classes has shown me what to look for. There are certain situations that are still frustrating since it is still corporate America, but I am able to appreciate the levels that go into leadership. I think it has also taught me how hard being a leader is. Everyone thrives under different styles and it can be very hard to figure out the best way to lead someone after only knowing them a short time.