
Personal Contributions Post

So far during my internship with Ametros, I have been tasked with an exciting new project to create an updated list of all the authorized third-party administrators and self-insured companies in each of the 50 states. Currently, no updated list of this kind is available and I am the one tracking all of the info down from different states’ workers compensation boards, insurance bureaus and departments of labor. Critical to the successful completion of this assignment has been creating good relationships and using good communication skills. The lists are not always publicly available, meaning I have to contact people in different state offices, whether by email or by phone, in order to get the data sent to me. For Ametros, this is a very helpful job because self-insured employers are sometimes easier to work with than actual insurance companies so make for good targets. Therefore, when they try to decide marketing strategies and where to allocate sales team resources, knowing which states have a high concentration of self-insured employers and which companies manage some of their claims is helpful. Additionally, I am working on a project with the other intern to determine top plaintiff attorneys and defense attorneys by case volume in the field of workers compensation in another project that should serve to assist the sales and marketing team. For this, we have been contacting different state law libraries and bar associations to try finding whatever information they have. most of the time, they do not have sorted, orderly lists and instead have large amounts of raw data. Sorting through all of this and making it into a concise, presentable document is going to require commitment and good teamwork between me and the other intern. Last, we are working on a competitor analysis document by looking at the websites and marketing materials for companies offering a similar service to Ametros. This is an interesting project and will help the company determine where it is doing well and where some areas of improvement are. The last competitive analysis they did was from 2015, so an updated document that also takes into account some of the new players will be a good resource. These are some of m y personal contributions thus far.