
Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

I am very fortunate to have secured this internship with Gamer-Metrics and thus far it has been a pleasure as well as joy to work for them. However, there are a series of ways in which my colleagues/fellow interns and even my superiors are ineffective in their roles as well as work they produce. For example, for this internship there are no set hours throughout the day in which our supervisors direct us to work on questions. Therefore, many of the fellow interns I am working with schedule doctor appointments, make lunch plans, and schedule other activities during times in which we should be working. Therefore, it is difficult to get all of the interns schedules to align where for two hours three times a week we can sit down as a collective group and bounce our own ideas as well as questions off of one-another. Therefore, we never have set times throughout the week in which we meet and they are constantly changing which is frustrating as we as interns are always left scrambling trying to make our schedules align with one another. I feel as though many of the interns in a sense take advantage of this freedom and do not prioritize their work schedule but rather their own agendas. Additionally, on account of this when we meet as a group many of the other interns have not produced any of their own questions. Therefore, they are able to provide feedback to those who have developed questions but are unable to get feedback on questions they have developed (as they haven’t produced any). Therefore, I feel as though if our supervisors established strict time frames in which we are supposed to meet it would alleviate many of the inefficiencies that we face in terms of producing not only questions but high-level questions. Additionally, in these meetings we go over 10 questions from each section which is very tedious and in my opinion is not a productive use of our time. I feel as though, if our superiors used their own free-time to go over the questions we have developed, star or high-light questions that need improvement, and then as a collective group with them we go over them and discuss how we can improve them. That would be a more effective use of everyone’s time and then after doing so we could open the meeting up to questions, what our productivity levels should look like, and allow anyone to express any ideas they might have to create better questions. I feel strongly as though our superiors/supervisors under-use their position of power. Myself and two other fellow interns have discussed with our supervisors that a specific intern is not pulling their own weight in terms of the number of questions they are producing and when we show-up for peer meetings they have produced either no questions or produced questions that involve little to no effort. When this was brought up to our supervisors they made note of it but have not made any contact to the intern to discuss their lack of production. Our supervisors take a very much so laissez-faire approach to leadership in this regard. In regards to Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership this intern is an R3 (able but unwilling) and the leaders sheet meet this type of follower-ship with an S2 (high task high relational) or S3 style of leadership (low task high relational).