Leader/Follower Relationships

Virginia Victim Assistance Network has been significantly impacted by COVID in terms of the way that they operate and the number of victims they are able to help. Due to COVID and a major grant cut, VVAN has had to suspend a couple of their programs, one being providing legal services to victims of crime. This has put a lot of focus on improving the Victim Assist Helpline and the quality of resources we can provide for the victims. The organization has turned into an extremely collaborative one. VVAN has taken up challenges and worked together to address each issue that arises. Although we have an executive director, I have noticed that this organization does not have one specific leader, rather everyone works together to achieve a common goal. I have taken a new approach to the leadership dynamic of this organization. I think of the “leader” being the Department of Criminal Justice Services and the “follower” as VVAN. Although DCJS is the perceived leader, VVAN works to make sure they pursue an ethical and effective route of victim services. They hold DCJS accountable, even though they are the leaders. For example, it is DCJS’s job to update the master list of Victim Witness programs across Virginia, but they have not done so recently. VVAN has taken it upon themselves to update the list and send it out to other programs in Virginia. Although this may seem like a small task, it can make the world of difference when helping victims of crime. This example alone shows how VVAN’s purpose is to make decisions for the benefit of victims, regardless if the leader neglects to do so. VVAN has shown time and time again their relationship-oriented style of leadership. Even as an intern, my voice is as heard and appreciated as any other employee. I have proposed ideas and even been able to execute some, such as creating guidebooks for victim services topics, and I hope that they benefit victims as much as possible during their difficult time. By remembering the common goal they share, VVAN works together to uphold the values and ultimate purpose of their organization: to be a voice for crime victims when no one else will.