
Gamer-Metrics Week-1

Gamer Metrics has a strong organizational culture and holds their employees to high standards. The values they expect of their employees are high quality work, high levels of communication, and strong interpersonal as well as communication skills. In order to ensure that these values are met as a collective team we meet over zoom at the end of the week to go over and check the week’s questions that the interns wrote. In these meetings we fact check the answers provided, check for grammatical mistakes, spelling, word choice, and are openly encouraged to express our thoughts or concerns if a question or potential answer may cause confusion. We are expected to produce ten questions from each of the nine  sections totaling to ninety questions in total. Again in these meetings our supervisors encourage open and honest feedback which truthfully feels great to be able to have a voice in these meetings and be listened to. Additionally, in the meetings in which just the interns meet to discuss and bounce ideas off one another. Our supervisors also encourage constructive criticism and the ability to voice our opinions to ensure that everyone’s opinions have been heard in the attempt to make each question great. Outside of these meetings our supervisors also have us email them certain ideas, topics, or questions that we are struggling with prior to our weekly meetings. Therefore, myself and the other interns need to be able to formulate quick and concise emails that accurately depict and describe the problems in which we are facing so as a collective group we can tackle these problems together. Additionally, communication between the interns is another value that they place a large emphasis on as the productivity and quality of these questions is contingent upon the interns being able to communicate effectively and openly. Therefore, we have to be proactive at the beginning of each week and communicate with one another what our schedule looks like for the upcoming week so that we can establish/coordinate meeting times. The communication to our supervisors takes place via email, zoom as well as phone call. Whereas communication between interns is much less formal and takes place via text and zoom. Gamer-Metrics caters towards the industry of sports, specifically baseball. Therefore, our supervisors are very attentive and concerned with the level to which the interns are producing and developing these questions. The success of the company is based upon my ability as well as the other interns’ abilities to produce these questions. Therefore, our supervisors place high-levels of attention on communication, honesty, and teamwork to ensure that mistakes are limited and productivity is high which draws many parallels to how a sports team would communicate and work together. I truthfully love the culture of the company as it is very similar to how a sports team communicates and interacts. However, the only recommendation I have is the supervisors I feel should be a little more hands-on and meet with us twice or even three times a week instead of one. That way we can solve problems quicker rather than waiting until the end of the week to solve a problem. What ends up happening is we face a problem and then have to wait until the end of the week to solve it which destroys productivity whereas if we solved it earlier in the week we would be able to continue producing more questions throughout the week.