
Week 6: Problem Solving and Embracing Technology

In my experience so far at the Academy, I have noticed two main areas within the organization that could be improved: the speed of problem solving and the use of technology. Although the staff members are more than willing to help one another solve critical issues or work through problems, the time used to solve these problems seems to be more than necessary. For example, when I worked on completing a 6 Month Communications Strategy Calendar, the process of reaching out to different staff members and then being redirected to additional staff members led to a delay in completing the project. For me, this time delay was frustrating as I am used to working independently or reaching out to the correct people for information. From my perspective, I think the Academy could help reduce miscommunication and save time altogether if they had an internal directory available for the staff members so that they can search for who would have information or documents needed for specific assignments. With this tool, there would be more widespread clarity on staff members’ responsibilities which will lead to more efficient communication.
In addition, I believe that the Academy tends to lean more on the traditional side of operating an organization. This choice is understandable given that the majority of clients the Academy interacts with are from an older generation; therefore they are not familiar with the current trends of the internet. However, this sense of traditionalism has led to communication problems, such as branding and a struggle to connect with younger generations. Although they are taking initiative to improve this issue through working with a consulting firm, InBloom, I also believe it is necessary that there is a shift in the mindset towards social media use. I believe there is often a stigma around social media branding; that it is solely targeted for millennials and generation Z. While these generations are definitely the majority, there are many savvy, older generation users on social media platforms who enjoy receiving information from daily posts. In order to help with this issue, I decided to take initiative and send a list of social media branding strategies that could increase their following on several platforms as well as attract the interest of all generations to the Academy.