
Follow-Up from Week 5 Post: Success with Problem-Solving

Since last week, I’ve felt that things have gotten a little bit easier managing communication between my boss and I. I’ve gotten much better at clarifying information with my boss; if there’s something she wants me to do that I’m not sure I’ve understood correctly, I’ll go back and put in my own words what I think she wants me to do and send that back to her. Then, she can review what I’ve written to check my understanding on my deliverables. Later this past week, there was one specific deliverable where I wasn’t sure if how I was attempting to complete it was correct, and using this process helped me ensure that I wasn’t proceeding with the work incorrectly. Although this isn’t the exact same as the “co-writing goals” suggestion I’d brought up in last week’s post, it’s some form of it, I think, and I’m glad to see that I’ve been able to use the solutions I proposed to help everyone be more successful.

Following up on another of last week’s suggestions, I went ahead and proposed that idea to several members in our team. There’s been some interest in it, although I think everyone was a bit too busy this week to really seriously consider it. However, when time allows, I’ll bring it up again and see what everyone thinks. If that doesn’t work or if there’s not a good time to bring it up, I’ll start doing it organically (if it feels appropriate) and see how people feel about it. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a little push from one person to get the rest of the team onboard.

However, having to do this post is a good reminder that there are still some things I need to do a better job of, including taking better notes on what I do throughout the day, as well as improving my focus during the day and scheduling more regular meetings with my boss. Putting those meetings together isn’t necessarily difficult as much as it just is a bit awkward – she’s probably one of the busiest people I’ve ever met and has had a lot of stuff going on that she’s had to deal with, so I feel bad asking her for more time when I know she’s already overwhelmed. Still, in situations like these, I have to remember my own comfortability is important, too, so that means being a self-advocate even when it’s awkward.