Northmarq Capital – Theories in action

Compared to the majority of corporate work environments in the finance space, I feel that Northmarq has a more relationship-based approach to leadership. There is active participation from management to emphasize the importance of each individual and the part they play. I was speaking with my manager this past week during our mentoring meeting, and he spoke about his approach to leading his team. The topic of our discussion was respect and integrity, so he discussed how the ability to build deep meaningful relationships so that employees want to go above and beyond to be successful. He made the good point that nearly every person with a basic qualification can accomplish most roles with basic training but not every person is able to excel in those roles. He empathized how just because someone can do a job doesn’t mean they will be good at it if they don’t have the right motivation that is passed onto them from their leaders. In this sense, I have found that Northmarq attempts to utilize transformational leadership as much as possible. Although the day to day activities of the analysts role is largely a set of consistent tasks that must be completed, the leaders ensure that a more meaningful approach is taken. The people centered relationship-building culture is something that is emphasized for contacting customers but also works its way into the organizational structure through leadership.

The relationship-based approach to leadership also ties itself well into some of the more transformational leadership aspects I have seen in my time at Northmarq. Developing talent from within the organization is of high priority for Northmarq so there is a real effort made to capitalize upon many of the opportunities and strategies utilized through transformational leadership. This is clear from the number of opportunities and support provided to myself and the other interns. We have had meetings with each leader in the different executive departments from CMO, CIO, CEO and more. By having such high-level leaders consistently be in contact with entry-level positions they are more able to convey the corporate mission and ideals. This helps to implement a more transformative experience that solidifies how the organization and it’s culture is able to function from the bottom up.