
Week 1 (6/1-6/4): Personal Contributions

This summer, I am interning at Porter Isaac, a small recruiting firm based in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Porter Isaac focuses on corporate and IT recruiting. While I knew nothing about this field initially, I have already learned so much in my first week! My internship at Porter Isaac started with relatively extensive training sessions with my boss, Derick. Because I had little to no experience in recruiting and had virtually no idea how the business works, I required a lot of help from Derick before I could really get started with any true projects. To begin, Derick had me take an online social media course that details how to become an influencer on instagram. While I have my own instagram account and am relatively familiar with the app, this course was really informative and helpful. Derick wanted me to take this course so I would have new insights and ideas on how to update and strengthen Porter Isaac’s instagram presence. In this course, I learned a few new ideas. For example, I learned about the instagram algorithm and that bright, high-quality, consistent images are favored in the algorithm, meaning that they will show up more. I also learned that making the account a business account allows you to see specifics on what kind of posts get more likes, comments, and attention in general. Lastly, from this course I realized that the Porter Isaac instagram does not have any instagram highlights, which I think would promote a lot of visibility for their page. I mentioned this to Derick and we decided that I should definitely start implementing more stories on their instagram and create story highlights sections on his page! At the end of this week, Derick and I discussed potentially using Canva to create content for his instagram account. I feel that his instagram needs to be more active in order to gain Porter Isaac more visibility, so I hope to continue working on that throughout this summer! Learning more about what makes an instagram account successful gave me a new perspective on helping the greater good of Porter Isaac. Because Derick is much older than I am, I have the opportunity to give new ideas and strategies for bettering his account. I think this will definitely contribute to the bettering of the company as a whole, as it will simply help it gain more attention. Social media is only one aspect of the work I will be responsible for this summer, so I am hoping that next week we will talk more about working with clients and potentially even talking to new candidates for job openings. I am really excited to continue working!