Matt Barnes Week 5/6 – Personal Contributions 2

There has been a lighter workload for me the past two weeks, because the team was in the process of doing reviews and final selections of development agencies, partners, and new hires. My main responsibilities over this time have included continuing to work on the wiki. I have both continued to add to the wiki, help members start to shift over their resources to Notion, and help new members become more acquainted with the organization.

One of the most important things that I have been working on is the transition of information for Sunny’s Content Library. I worked closely with Lisa, a script writer for Sunny’s responses. We were looking through the benefits of housing the content on Notion vs Airtable as the central repository that Sunny would pull its information from. Choosing the right location is especially important because it will be difficult to migrate the information later, and the library will be a critical resource for Sunny to rely on once the AI is better trained and able to pull up more personalized information for people. As a result, I hope Lisa and I are able to find the best ways to house the data and information so that Sunny does not have any bottlenecks in later development rollouts.

In addition to working on the wiki, with the addition of the new team members, I would like to see if there is the possibility to take on a slightly more technical role on the team. In particular, a company has been chosen to help with the coding of the project. I would love the opportunity to shadow or help them with some of the app development. I think it would be a great way for me to see potential paths for me in CS, and provide the team with an extra pair of hands in the development. The second potential new opportunity would be with working with Michael. Michael was also just onboarded and he has expertise in project management and program management, as well as several other areas. I believe working closely with him could give me a much deeper understanding of project management and help me to understand if that is an area I would like to go into. I believe working with Michael could allow me to positively contribute to the team because I could help to coordinate with the team members and the large amount of information.