Organizational Category

Importance of Culture when Looking for New Candidate- Week 6

After woking for over a month with my team, my supervisor, Isabella, is moving to a new job within the organization and will be leaving our team. This was such a bitter-sweet moment as although I’m excited for her growth and opportunity, I’m sad as we became very close in the month I have worked there and she has taught me everything I need to know to do my role well. When she announced to our team about her departure, everyone on the team was happy but also near tears. I can tell how close everyone on this team is and how much of an impact they all have on each others lives. The loving culture within our team is very crucial to how we perform and the outcomes we are able to achieve.

As she begins to prepare to leave her role, my boss is looking for someone new to take her position. In the meantime, I have been working on every project with my supervisor so she can teach me any last things before she goes. I am in the position now to be able to help teach whoever my new supervisor will be. It will be interesting to see how a teacher/student is created or avoided as ranks and titles within the organizations is not something people have in mind a lot. Everyone is there to help someone, new or old. I think that mindset has contributed greatly to the loving culture within our team. I’m certain that fitting into the culture will be a characteristic greatly looked at for the new candidate.