
Personal Contributions- Evyn Magenbauer Ashlawn Medical

This week at Ashlawn Medical Marlène and I went around to different hospitals and clinics stocking braces. My contributions included writing down information for Marlène whenever we were recording patient info via phone call. We often “work from our car” since we are always driving to different clinics granting requests for patients and clients. Marléne expressed how helpful it was having a sidekick in the car that way she could drive and focus on the conversation with the patient while I wrote down information. Usually Marléne would have to pull over and fill out the paperwork which was much more time consuming. Aside from assisting Marléne through note taking, I also placed orders for her with Breg over the phone. I talked to multiple Breg consultants and got to familiarize myself with them. This process also familiarized me with diagnostic codes that doctors use to prescribe braces. Although I contributed to the paperwork and ordering process of the job, my biggest contribution was my research and preparation for our company’s GameReady sales pitch to PT clinics. GameReady is a cooling/icing system that customers and/or clinics can rent/purchase. Most doctors recommend icing post surgery, so Tim, our head boss, recognized how GameReady combines perfectly with our braces and newly added it. My role consisted of me researching PT clinics that are not already using GameReady products. I found that a lot of PIVOT physical therapy clinics have not purchased GameReady therapy units. I also found that a lot of VCU clinics do not have GameReady either. With this information, Marléne and I sat down and she expressed the importance of having a “service sales” approach. Always ask the customers, “how can we help you? Would this product make your job easier?”. At Ashlawn Medical we never have the approach of “you should buy this product”. Like mentioned in my other blogs, customer orientation is huge. Marléne also discussed how to not expect anything when you go in to present a product. In sales it usually takes 5 times for a buyer to even become interested in your product, especially in the medical field when there are so many people selling so many different types of equipment. With this, I spent a lot of time during the week learning the GameReady product that way I am well equipped to answer any questions and am not wasting my potential buyers time. On Monday 7/5, Marléne and I are finalizing the clinics we are attending and other preparation then will go in to present later in the week next week. I am excited for this experience!!