
Week 2 Reflection

Jared Levine



My second week of interning at Leventhal, Mullaney & Blinkoff, LLP was incredibly tiring, yet rewarding. By the end of this week, I had learned more than I thought I would all summer about the fields of law I have been engaging with. Mr. Blinkoff, as well as the rest of the firm, has treated me incredibly well throughout my time as an intern. He has truly taken it upon himself to educate me as much as he can and to grant me as many new experiences as the firm can offer. I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity that I do.

Early in my second week, I spent a great deal of time reviewing and researching aspects of a variety of municipal matters. Most of these cases were home additions or construction projects to be presented before local zoning boards of appeals. I have become very familiar with New York’s village law, as well as different village local codes. I find it very interesting to see how local matters, sometimes issues between neighbors, can be resolved using local judicial systems. My first week I witnessed justice court, these matters would go before a zoning board. The variety of courts, boards, and municipalities continues to amaze me. 

When reviewing these matters, as well as issues in family court cases, I have been instructed and taught how to use LexisNexis, a database of past cases and statutes throughout all levels of American governance. I have quickly oriented myself to this research database and am amazed at how this technology impacts the legal profession. The site is comparable to JSTOR, which I am incredibly familiar with and effective at using. I frequently think about how before the internet, good lawyers were those who were the most well-studied in matters of statute and case law. Nowadays, strong research skills can go a long way towards being an effective employee in a law office. It is through my research in response to Mr. Blinkoff’s legal questions that I feel as though I make my greatest contributions to the firm and its clients. 

Lastly, this week I observed my first family court hearing. This occurred virtually, and so I listened silently sitting across from Mr. Blinkoff and his computer. I cannot share the details of this hearing, but it involved heavy material, as the end goal of these cases is often the freeing of a child for adoption. I will not forget this experience, and I expect to be more engaged with these kinds of matters in the coming weeks. My experience at this firm remains incredibly positive and I am thoroughly enjoying my time spent here.