Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Week 4 VHA solving problems

As I finish my fourth week with Virginia Housing Alliance, I feel much more comfortable and adjusted to the work environment and what is expected of me. While I have very much so enjoyed my experience with VHA thus far, there are most definitely identifiable areas that could be improved. The first I would like to point out is the lack of a formal intern program. As I am the first intern Virginia Housing Alliance has ever had, I find that they are still adjusting to delegating work to me. Most of the time, I have one or two projects assigned to me and then attend all their meetings. I feel as if they could improve the intern role by either making it more collaborative or even having a second intern. Having another intern would give me someone to work with and consult with when other employees are busy or if I feel I have a minuscule question. I think a collaborative aspect of this internship would be interesting and allow for new dynamics and ideas. It would also enable Virginia Housing Alliance to hand off more work to interns. I find that I have a few projects that I work on perfecting for long periods of time that may go by faster if I had someone working alongside me. Secondly, as a Leadership Studies student, I think my job would be improved if I became a resource for more members of the organization. As of right now, the executive director, Brian Koziol, is the only person assigning tasks to me. I believe that it might be effective for other Virginia Housing Alliance employees like the senior policy analyst to utilize me as a resource in her work. Overall, I would like to see more collaboration and use of interns. As a Jepson major, I would recommend maximizing the relationship among followers and not focusing all attention on leader-follower relationships. Something similar to the dyads between followers and individual members of the team to each other. I think by having co-workers work more closely together Virginia Housing Alliance would see an increase in work done and positive relationships.