Week 4: Personal Contributions

As the fourth week of my internship wraps up (hard to believe how quick it has gone by), I want to reflect on some of my own contributions thus far. One of my main responsibilities is serving as the task manager for all incoming project requests that come in for social media posts. I input the requests into our project management software, assign the task to the correct person on my team, and then check up periodically to ensure that the project is on target and running smoothly. With this, I also assign myself to some of these projects and get to work on content creation / social strategy. This involves writing copy for the posts, collaborating with the creative team to produce the images/videos, and ultimately scheduling the posts in our editorial calendar to be automatically posted on a certain date / time. This has been an exciting new experience for me, as I am given creative freedom to create messaging that is shared with thousands of people. Now that I have a few weeks of experience, I feel more confident and have been taking the lead on many of the new requests that come in. 


My other main responsibility revolves around monitoring the social media accounts and responding to customers who leave comments / private message us. The majority of these interactions stem from complaints, so it can be difficult dealing with angry customers. We have a software called Sprinklr that alerts us anytime a comment or message is received and the person who is monitoring at that time has 12 minutes to respond. I am definitely still getting the hang of this process, as you never know what kind of complaint is going to come in and have a limited amount of time to figure out the best way to deal with it. However, it is certainly rewarding when someone has an issue and I am able to lead them in the right direction.


While those are my two main ongoing initiatives, I also had the opportunity to take on a research project looking into CEO LinkedIn activity, as my manager is pushing for our CEO to get onto the platform. This was a pretty big contribution, as I had the opportunity to present to a group of AVPs and am hoping to ultimately make my case to the VP of Marketing. This could leave a large mark on the company, as getting him on LinkedIn is a very important step in continuing to modernize the brand and make him a more front facing leader. Overall, I am very excited about the work I have contributed thus far and am looking forward to seeing how I can continue to help the social media team over the next month.