Leading New Project – Week 3

Finishing off my third week at AARP, I was given lead on a project that my supervisor created for me. This was really exciting because she incorporated goals on equity and inclusivity- some topics I am really passionate about. I was very flattered to hear my supervisor highlight my experience in these fields and allowing me the independence to learn more about it in a larger scale. The project entails creating a memorium for an AARP volunteer named Vicki Sims who was tragically murdered last year in Florida. She dedicated her life to service and was a BLM supporter who helped around her community. From the conversation the team had about her, I can tell they were all deeply affected by what happened. It really gave me insight on who she was as a person and how much she meant to everyone in the organization. I appreciated how real they were when speaking about what happened. I love how during our meeting with a set agenda, everyone was given the space to talk about how they feel. It has definitely given me a different perspective on professionalism and what coworkers can talk about with each other and with their superiors. It was refreshing to see the connection and understanding from everyone and the empathy they were giving to themselves and others. 

After that meeting, one of my coworkers sent me various links from the news and pictures of Vicki to give me a head start on what the project will look like. It will be cool to work on a project from start to finish and have a choice to decide how the final product will look like- I am really excited to get started on it. I have gotten comfortable with the work environment and have become more independent with my work.