Organizational Category

Orientation VOICES social service internship

The first week of my internship with the VOICES Center of Resilience focused on better understanding the organizations goals and mission, and going over all of the VOICES past projects. We went through the entire website on our own and then came back and talked about what we found, projects we thought were really interesting, and how we will be working towards helping VOICES accomplish their mission. We then started on two projects. Our first project was watching webinars VOICES had hosted in the past, reading the transcriptions, and creating a tip sheet based off of these webinars to be posted on their website in the future. This meant watching recording of the webinars and edit and change the transcriptions that went along with it so it was easy for the public to read and follow along with. After this I then started to create a tip sheet which meant narrowing the big topics discussed in the webinars into a one page article. Our second project was working with Filemaker and excel and going through an excel document with 9/11 responders who have recently passed away due to a 9/11 related illness and researching and collecting all information we can find on them in order to eventually create a living memorial for them. We also then put the information we found on them into Filemaker, their database so everyone on the VOICES team could access this information. This gave me an overall idea on the project we will be working on and a better idea of the mission that VOICES works towards. In order to find the different information for each responder, we had to go through so many different types of websites and do different types of research in order to find the correct information for each person. This included going through different Facebook groups,, instagrams, and news articles. This also allowed me to become more familiar with and get better at using Linkedin because I used it as a source to find out more information about certain responders that uploaded their information onto linkedin and I know have a much better and more useful knowledge on how to find people through this.