Personal Contributions

Now that I have officially completed my summer internship at Six One Agency, I’ve been able to spend a lot of time reflecting on my time with the agency and my accomplishments there. As I’ve mentioned in several of my previous posts, my internship experience this summer was truly different from any other internship experience I’ve had, largely because of the autonomy that I was granted by my supervisor and team members. Even as an intern, I felt like I was an equal, valued member of the team and was treated as such when it came to tasks, responsibilities, and projects. 

That being said, there are several projects and events in particular that I felt I played a large role in executing successfully for the overall agency this summer. One example of this was an in-person event in New York City that I got to attend, assist with, and help plan for one of our clients on behalf of the entire agency. I was invited by the client to multiple events over the course of a weekend to help in-person since I had put in so much research and work in planning the event ahead of time. It was extremely rewarding to see everything come together first-hand, and to see how my personal contributions played a larger role. 

Another main way that I contributed to my internship site this summer was through observing the way the team and overall agency work and complete tasks and offering my insight and recommendations. The ways I did this were largely related to efficiency and finding ways to streamline tasks. For example, I implemented several systemic improvements throughout the agency’s various databases of media contacts that increased the entire agency’s overall speed and efficiency for communicating with media, outreach, event planning, and so on. Again, this was an impact that I was able to watch result in positive changes almost immediately which was an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience. All in all, I’m both extremely grateful to Six One Agency for welcoming me into their workplace and entrusting me to help improve it and contribute to it, as well as very proud of how much I’ve learned and the progress and impact I’ve made over the course of the summer.