
Personal Contributions

With my internship pretty much wrapped up, I can say that myself and the other intern contributed some helpful things, but I am not sure how helpful we really were. While I enjoyed speaking with members of the company and they seemed very appreciative of the work we were doing, I did not find it very meaningful. Often times, the data and research I was compiling would be fairly simple things that higher level members of the company just did not want to spend the time looking for. I uncovered data lists from different sites, cleaned some Excel forms with messy data, and combed through state reporting data related to workers’ compensation. Some of the stuff I put together will help the sales team and other relevant members of the company target different markets better, but some of that data was readily available if they needed it. In addition, we did research on competitors and the market but we were given an almost complete competitor slide deck and told to update it. There were few things to update since it was fairly recent, so it felt like we were just repeating much of what others had already done while I was really looking forward to discovering new things and learning about the market. Last, only once did I actually get an assignment directly from someone that heard about what I was working on and thought I could be of service. I did help her decide which businesses she was interested in reaching out to would be the most worthwhile to target. Using some of the work I had already done and doing additional research, I was able to send here a categorized list of targets from best option to worst. This job was probably the one where I felt most helpful to someone in the company because of how I could directly see how she used the material I gave her. The other data and work we did I am sure will be useful, but it is only going to get used after I have left the company so I cannot see how helpful my research really was.