Theories in Action: Charismatic Leadership

In my Jepson classes, I have learned a lot about charismatic leaders and how they use their characteristics to captivate and inspire their followers. The charismatic theory of leadership explains how leaders motivate their audiences to follow them. In history, we have seen this through Dr. Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill. As I have continued to learn about this theory over the past few years, I have grown in my understanding of the value of a leader who has shared these qualities.

My internship experience with Guidehouse so far has proved how important a captivating and inspirational leader can be. This week, all interns were able to sit in on a meeting with Scott McIntyre who is the CEO of Guidehouse. In this session, all interns were allowed to ask Scott about his experience leading the company. A specific question that I enjoyed learning about was how Scott and other leadership were able to take Price Waterhouse Cooper’s public sector and create Guidehouse. When he reflected on his experience, I, along with other interns were able to see how Scott McIntyre was the right person for the job. People wanted to follow him as the PWC’s formal federal sector developed into a new company. He reflected on how he had to take responsibility for so many people and make difficult decisions throughout the process.

Throughout the session, he brought up how he had to develop his leadership skills. I found it very interesting that he acknowledged the effort and education that went into his leadership skills. It tied into everything I have learned about leadership in Jepson and how people are born with some skills and they come naturally to them. On the other hand, even the most charismatic and captivating leaders can still take the time to learn, practice, and develop their leadership approach.

The charismatic theory of leadership highlights how a single leader can motivate a large group. I was able to learn about how Scott McIntyre not only helped create Guidehouse from Price Waterhouse Cooper’s formal federal sector but build it up and help it grow. Guidehouse is growing rapidly and after this session, I strongly believe this is due to Scott McIntyre’s charismatic leadership style.