
Theories in Action – Charismatic Leadership

My supervisor, Mr. Bercherm, is an incredibly charismatic leader. He is the type of person that knows everyone, and everyone knows him. Additionally, people really seem to enjoy his presence, and his sense of humor keeps the workplace light and fun. This ability to connect with his followers is really helpful for both a leader and their followers. For starters, people are always willing to help Mr. Bercherm, despite their busy schedules or anything they may have to do. They always put their projects aside to help him complete whatever it is he needs. Additionally, direct followers within the office enjoy coming to work and like to spend time with their coworkers. This positive environment cultivates good, quality work.

Additionally, one of the main aspects of charismatic leadership is a high expectation of their followers. Throughout my entire internship, I have felt like I was expected to do good, quality work. I was never given menial tasks such as filing paperwork or getting people coffee. I was always asked to do something real, that would actually be used to do something real. Despite the high caliber and high expectations, I always felt extremely supported. All the members of my office would check in to make sure I understood what I was doing and I was on the right track.

Finally, Mr. Berchem always emphasized the importance of a team mentality. Even though each person had their own work and their own projects collaboration is always encouraged. People would pop their heads in each other’s offices to ask for help or run an idea by their coworkers. Sometimes we even attend meetings together to provide an extra set of ears for the member of our office that might be having a hard time with a specific coworker or is stuck on a project.