
Theories in Action

Based upon my observations as well as interactions with my fellow colleagues and supervisor another Leadership Theory comes to my mind. LMX Theory in my opinion is a theory that fits the effectiveness and culture of Gamer-Metrics. LMX theory argues that leaders form different dyadic relationships with different employees. These relationships can either be high quality LMX relationships which means in the dyadic relationship there is mutual trust, respect, and obligation to complete the task at hand. On the other hand there are low quality LMX relationships in which the relationship is based upon a formal contract and there is no emotional aspect or connection to the relationship. In these high-quality LMX relationships leaders and followers have a strong relationship which can lead to both material, psychological benefits, higher levels of responsibility, and freedom. In these high-quality LMX relationships there is an emotional connection and a strong emotional factor to this relationship that allows the subordinate to internalize the goals and complete the task asked of them. Whereas in low-quality LMX relationships there is no emotional aspect or connection between leader and follower. Subordinates are actually disliked by their superiors and receive little to no autonomy, resources, or materialistic goods. There is no encouragement or support from the leader to strive for more and the relationship is contingent upon the employment contract. At Gamer-Metrics this most certainly holds true as some of the interns had high-quality LMX-relationships with the superiors while others had low-quality LMX relationships. Some of the interns truly internalized and embodied the company’s goals/mission statement and worked above and beyond to ensure that high quality work was being produced. There was constant dialogue between some interns and supervisors to seek approval and get feedback on certain ideas. Whereas for the interns that had low-quality LMX relationships they simply did the bare minimum. Doing only what was asked of them and nothing more or less. On account of this the interns with high quality LMX relationships received future employment at Gamer-Metrics as well as a share in the equity in the company. For the interns with low-quality LMX relationships they simply received nothing.