Charismatic Leadership

Dr. Hammond is one of the more charismatic leaders I’ve ever met. Charismatic leadership theory focuses on a certain set of personality traits and behaviors, such as a strong sense of self confidence, set moral values, and setting high standards and goals, to define it. I’d now like to break down exactly why I think Dr. Hammond meets the above criteria. Dr. Hammond is extremely confident in the way that she presents herself. Her voice can always be heard loud and clear, she never hesitates to educate others on the subject she is so knowledgeable and passionate about, and she has the confidence to accomplish all of this quietly and humbly.


Dr. Hammond does not hesitate to make her values and convictions known. As someone who has battled and overcome infertility herself and very openly shares her story, Dr. Hammond is extremely empathetic to the needs and feelings of the families and individuals the Cade Foundation helps, and she advocates for them and their needs at every turn. She is passionate about helping others overcome infertility in the way that she was able to and is determined to make a difference in the field of infertility. She has already made great contributions to the way infertility is being taught and perceived, as well as the ways that infertility patients are being heard and understood. Thanks to the Cade Foundation, 125 families have been funded and there are currently 94 babies that have been born as a result of a grant provided by the foundation. 


From our first day as interns, Dr. Hammond made it clear to us that she expected each of us to have a published piece of some kind by the end of the summer. I’ll admit that this seemingly lofty goal was very intimidating but she was confident that we could achieve that and did not hesitate to set the standard from the very beginning. However, she didn’t just set high standards for us and then leave us to our own devices. Dr. Hammond was always eager to help and helped us build confidence in our abilities.