Transformational Leadership & VVAN

The transformational leadership theory developed by Burns focuses on creating positive change for the followers. Throughout my time at Virginia Victim Assistance Network, I have noticed that VVAN exemplifies this transformational leadership theory. One of the main goals of the transformational leadership theory includes developing followers into leaders. By increasing motivation and performance amongst all followers while also inspiring them, followers have the capability to become leaders. Each and every VVAN employee is always uplifting and supporting another VVAN individual, no matter the job or position status. Both our Executive Director and every other VVAN employee motivates and inspires those around them to get tasks completed in an efficient and effective way. For example, our Homicide Support Group Coordinator was in charge of an event. Rather than leaving all of the work for her, we all pitched in and inspired one another to help her create an event that would best benefit the attendees of her event. Another main end goal of the transformational leadership theory is to create significant change in the life of people within and outside of the organization. This ideal is the primary mission of Virginia Victim Assistance Network: to create a positive change in someone’s life. When VVAN employees are on the phone with victims of crime, they are consistently trying to make a positive change in their life. While receiving a call from a victim, they most likely just want to be heard and feel as if they are valued. Regardless of our beliefs about the situation, we must adjust our leadership style to provide them with this feeling.  Further, as I have attended victim assist helpline calls, I have seen victims inspired to acquire a job like ours: to help other victims of crime acclimate to their new lives. This in itself gives all of VVAN the confidence needed to continue what they do. Transformational leadership is a vital aspect of Virginia Victim Assistance Network. Without inspiration and support, VVAN would not be what it is, nor would it be as successful as it is. I believe that an organization that exemplifies transformational leadership is not only a positive environment to work in, but it is further an environment that creates positive change for those outside the organization as well.