
Theories in action II

Based upon my interactions with my supervisors and as well as witnessing interactions between my supervisors and other peers; Transformational and Transactional is another leadership theory that comes to mind when describing Gamer-Metrics.  Transformational Leadership as described by Burns is engaging “Followers not only to get them to achieve something of significance, as he described them as visionary change agents, but also to “morally uplift” them to be leaders themselves. Central to Burns’s theoretical distinction was the fact that he described such leaders as being morally uplifting and being more concerned with the collective interests of the group, organization, and society as opposed to their own self-interests (Burns).” In this form of leadership the leader focuses more so on the emotional aspect of the relationship as opposed to just the production or exchange of goods. They attempt to identify with them emotionally and uplift the followers. Whereas, Transactional Leadership in a sense is the opposite of Transformational. Transactional leadership as described by Burns as “if you produce the desired behavior” then you will receive the “contracted award (Burns).” In this form of leadership there is an exchanging of goods or services for a mutual benefit and once the exchange has been completed the relationship ends or another transaction is sought out. Gamer-Metrics is a hybrid of these two leadership theories as our supervisors attempt to inspire and connect with us on an emotional level. Additionally, they also expect high quality work in exchange for equity in the company from interns that produce high levels of work. For example, when the interns are struggling with a question or concept we are able to rely upon the expertise and leadership of our supervisors to inspire and guide us in the correct direction. Additionally, if we do not produce the level of work they are looking for we do not receive our end of the transaction (however they are a little more loose in this regard and provide more of the relational aspect than the transactional). The pandemic has most certainly impacted what would have been the normal day to day activities of Gamer as well as its productivity. If we were in person there would be much stricter guidelines and work hours as well as a stricter quota to meet (more so transactional). Whereas the pandemic has made it difficult to get people in the same place at once we meet on zoom. There are sometimes technology or connectivity difficulties or schedules that don’t align. Forcing our superiors to be more understanding as well as flexible.