Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Solving Problems

While my time at my internship has been highly enjoyable and I have been impressed with the operations and leadership at my site, there are a few things that I would tweak in order to increase efficiency in the office. First, I find that I am sometimes bombarded with projects, while other days I have very little to complete. While I understand that problems and projects arise at different times, there seems to be a lack of organization in assigning projects. At one point, I was working on research and work for 7 different projects/teams at the same time. While some tasks were minor, I found this amount of work to be overwhelming. Additionally, not each project was urgent and needed to be completed. Rather, if someone in the office needed something done or thought of something that they could delegate to me, they would give it to me on the spot. To improve this, I think my co-workers could discuss what I was already working on with me as well as describe the urgency of my research/work and what it would be used for. This would help me prioritize my work and space everything out a little better.

Another suggestion I have would be to implement a meeting every morning. During my marketing internship that I completed last summer, every morning the entire company would meet, and then break up into our smaller teams. This allowed every employee to make sure that they were clear on both the overall goals of the company, as well as the expectations of each individual team member. I think this sort of meeting would be even more beneficial in person than over zoom. This allows followers to hear from many different leaders, and connect with different people. Additionally, it allows the entire company and different teams to focus in on individual tasks and goals that might be misinterpreted by employees. Finally, it allowed leaders to recognize and praise followers for specific successes. This sort of positive reinforcement in front of a large audience gives followers a boost of confidence and encourages other followers to work harder to achieve these goals.