
Reflection 5: Blake and Moulton’s Leadership Grid

As I wrap up my internship, I have been able to use my leadership studies background to analyze the leadership environment at O’Neill and Associates. One of the leadership theories that I think is relevant to the operation and effectiveness of the organization is Blake and Moulton’s Leadership Grid, which is used to evaluate leaders based on their task and relationship orientation. Throughout my internship, I would say that the leadership style I have experienced most often is Team leadership, or a 9,9 on Blake and Moulton’s Leadership Grid. A leader using Team leadership uses both task and relationship behaviors, motivates their followers to work towards the shared goals of the organization and involves followers in the determination of these goals.

I would consider Jen, my direct supervisor, to be a Team leader. She is very committed to her work, and she holds everyone accountable for completing their assigned tasks without being overbearing. When we go over my assignments for the day in our daily check-in meeting, she makes an effort to explain how each task I am doing will help the organization or a client. This makes me more motivated to complete my work because it feels like I am actually contributing to the organization rather than just doing busy work. 

I have also seen Team leadership at the highest level of the organization. In the interactions I have had with Tom and Shelly, the CEO and COO of O’Neill and Associates, they have demonstrated equally high concern for results and concern for people. For example, at each all-staff meeting, they put on the agenda a list of client projects that they want updates on, which encourages people to stay on top of their tasks and maintain regular communication about their progress. However, they also demonstrate that they value their employees’ well-being and welcome their input. They both often take time to ask people about their lives outside of work, and send out cards for birthdays and work anniversaries. They have also come up with a plan to return to the office based on a very detailed survey that all employees filled out, which demonstrates that they value employees’ input.