
Leader/Follower Relationships

Gamer-Metrics in my opinion has good but not great leader follower relationships. For example, work is structured/delegated in a non-effective/non-efficient manner. Our supervisors have directed and continue to tell the interns that they would like six questions per section to be completed before we meet for our weekly meetings. This I believe is a very strong and good goal that is productive. However, problems arise when there is no real way to monitor or more evenly delegate who completes the questions amongst the group (it relies upon the honor system). For example, as I have described earlier the interns are directed to meet three times a week for two hours to discuss and brainstorm questions. In these meetings we provide one another with constructive- criticism and discuss how we can improve upon the questions. However, some of the interns show up to the meetings without having developed or even thought about potential questions. Therefore, they essentially ride the coattails of the individuals who have developed and thought of questions. Additionally, it forces others to pick up their slack and places more work on the other interns when the work is not evenly distributed. Covid has dramatically impacted this and the uneven distribution of work. If we were not in a global pandemic we would be able to meet in an office or in person every-day to develop questions. In doing so, I feel as though being physically in person would force individuals to be more productive and feel more pressure to conduct themselves more professionally. While meeting over zoom it is easy to tell when individuals have other web-browsers open and are not actively engaged or listening to the conversation. So work is self-directed. I personally feel as though many of the pressures that you would face in an office are no longer there allowing people to feel less obligated to be productive. Additionally, what I really enjoy about our superiors is their leadership styles. I can confidently say that both of our supervisors are highly charismatic. They are able to clearly articulate the desired long-term goals, are able to effectively communicate with the followers, relate to us on an emotional level, and in general are highly personable. I really enjoy working with/for my superiors as they are extremely supportive, give clear and attainable goals, and in general are just pleasant to be around and have a conversation with.