
Week 6: Organization

After the two sessions of Blueprint finished, the staff and faculty did not have time to rest but moved quickly to prep and get ready for the next program starting the following week called Panorama. This program is for students in high school and college, more focused on developing performing techniques rather than college applications and acceptance.  Therefore, the schedule did not consist of college talks or optional meetings with college representatives but was focused on creating a performance with their group and working with the professionals in the field to develop their own style and techniques.

As the programs finished, I was given a project to organize all the recorded zoom videos into folders so that they can be easily accessed and found by the administrative staff in case it was needed. This was the first time they were doing all the programs remotely and wanted to keep a record of them by having the staff in each of the classes record the lesson. These videos were all just being kept in one folder and it was my job to organize these by faculty names and class. They did not have a specific method of how they wanted it because this was also their first time, so I had to figure out an easy way where these videos could be found years later.

My supervisor just told me to make sure the videos were organized by faculty and class. So I made a folder with all the faculty, and in each were folders with their classes and separated by different groups. By using a master spreadsheet and the dates written on the videos, I used it to decipher what videos were which classes and organized them into the folders accordingly. In the beginning, it took me a long time to figure out what and how I was going to do this, but after finding a structure of what I wanted to do, I was able to be more efficient and find my routine throughout the project.

I realized throughout this week while doing this project how important finding and forming a structure/blueprint is when organizing anything. It seems like a huge blur when I was just given the project and didn’t have anything formed in my head. But as I continued to draw out the structures and path that I wanted to take this project; I was able to picture the final product. In order to be efficient in organizing, it is important to be form out a blueprint because without it, just as a building with a poor architect, everything will be easily lost.

It was one of my goals to be able to improve my organization skills and to experience it more in the work field and I am very grateful to have been able to take charge of this project.