Leader/Follower Dynamics at FAM

As my internship has progressed, I have started to take note of the leader/follower dynamics within Forward Artist Management.

Because the company is so small, there is only one main team that is responsible for all of the work that comes in (about 5 full-time employees and 3 interns, myself included). Within that, there are smaller sub-sections (for example, the digital marketing team that works on HiNote consists of myself and two other employees as well as a web designer who is based in the UK). Most of the work that I am assigned is given to me by my supervisor or any of the other employees heading that current project.

One of the things that I touched on in my last post is that the level of trust between interns and members in FAM has increased significantly since I started working. I feel like at the beginning of my internship, I was tasked with relatively small projects, and was given as little confidential information as possible (I’m assuming because as an intern, I never was asked to sign an NDA or confidentiality agreement). However, as I have progressed through the summer, I have been assigned much more meaningful tasks and assignments.

One strength in relation to the leader/follower dynamics at Forward Artist Management is that everyone is really open in terms of giving assistance and helping. I find that I don’t have to chase my supervisor down for answers to my questions, and he is always willing to help me if I need it. Everyone seems to get along really well and work well together, which is so helpful in a remote internship where I’m not there in-person getting all of the information at the same time they are. One challenge is that work is not as centralized or organized as I feel it could be. Some days I will hear very little from my co-workers, but on other days I get assigned 4 or 5 top priority projects at the same time. In that sense, it feels like communication is a little scattered and things aren’t assigned as intentionally as they could be.