Transformational Leadership in Communications- Week 8

One of the managers that I work under, Jamie, joined in January of this year. She leads the Communications team and from what I have seen in meetings, she is trying to change the ways that leadership had managed before her had left the team. Jamie’s leadership style is very transformational as she focuses on engaging the team and ensuring that they are getting the resources needed to reach the team’s common goal of keeping Florida as a top engagement state.

Jamie has mentioned in meetings that she wants to engage the team in a “training day” as a refresher that will strengthen what the Communications team is striving for. It’s interesting to hear her weekly updates on the planning for the training as it consists of writing workshops and speaker series of top communicators. She always asks the team for their thoughts throughout the entire process; she wants to make sure everyone is heard, feels included, and will benefit from the training. 

Jamie is also preparing to send out a survey that measures what each member needs from a leader. Similar to the surveys we have done that determines what leader we would benefit from and work well with, she is working on sending one to each member to gauge what they are wanting now that they have been working together for about 7 months. When Jamie first on-boarded, she originally sent a survey out to her team to determine what kind of leader she should be to ensure that she will benefit and uplift the team. Getting to know and manage a new team during a pandemic was difficult, but she has made the best to get to know each member virtually. 

Jamie is an example of a leader that genuinely cares for her team and wants to make sure that everyone is confident in the work that they do. She always pushes each member to learn and grow and to always share what they have learned so far from new or old experiences. It will be interesting to see how the training and leadership surveys pan out.