
Encinas Blog Post 4 – Theories in Action

A large portion of Theories and Models was spent learning about task versus relational leadership. From what I have observed, most leaders at BRG are task oriented. I imagine that this is the nature of most companies with a strong client focus. For individuals to be successful at BRG, and for the company to be successful as a whole, we must meet deadlines and provide quality final products. The primary role of leaders here are to ensure that this happens, and that is why I label them as more task oriented. However, as I learned in Theories and Models, task or relationship orientation does not have to be a binary. I also see a strong presence of relationship orientation at BRG. This is a more difficult attribute to identify in the virtual work setting. However, there has been a very clear effort to ensure that interns forge relationships with peers and leaders. I meet with an Associate each week to check in about how I am feeling about my work and she is a constant source of help when I need it. There has also been a consistent effort for leaders to get to know the interns outside of work. Every week, there is some type of virtual happy hour or bonding event. I would describe the task-relationship balance as a 9-5 on the Grid theory scale. While there is a focus on both in a significant way, I see my leaders placing higher emphasis on task. I would be very interested to see what they would score on the LPC and if it would confirm my theory.

I also have observed characteristics of Transformational Leadership at BRG. In previous posts, I have discussed the structure of leadership at BRG. While there is a hierarchy, there is also encouragement for a flat leadership style. This week I received my first review from my leaders and was able to see the expectations for different levels of employees. While this specific role does not apply to interns, one of the things that employees are evaluated on is how well they delegate work. Since it is the goal for the followers to eventually step into the role of leader, this is an important ability of Transformational leaders. The fact that BRG values this highly is a characteristic of Transformational leadership.


Katharine Encinas

University of Richmond '22 Math Econ and Leadership Major